Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Music Fav's

So, last weekend I drove my daughter and three of her friends from AZ to CA to go to the Revolve Tour along with my neice who lives in CA. Revolve Tour is a Women of Faith conference for teens. This is was our second year in a row going to the conference and we've already purchased our tickets for next year. I highly recommend it. One of the things I always look forward to is seeing Natalie Grant live in concert. That girl can really sing! We picked up her Relentless CD at the conference and I can't stop listening to it. Some of her songs really speak to my "Tomorrow is another day" motto like the song "Let Go". I think everyone loves Natalie Grant at the Revolve Tour, but what the girls really look forward to is seeing Hawk Nelson. It's amazing just sitting in the quietness at my kitchen computer with my dishwasher whirring in the background, I can still hear the screams of those crazy girls at the conference for Hawk Nelson. My ears have still not recovered.
Another one of my favorites right now is JJ & Dave Heller's digitally released CD called Painted Red. We listened to it on the drive all the way out to CA. LOVE IT! This CD is available to YOU free of charge for a limited time by visiting Check it out. While you're there, look at JJ's "baby bump" isn't it cute! Our family's connection with the Hellers is a blog for another day. For now, I'll just say that it has to do with our backyard and a couple of :-)

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