Sunday, October 19, 2008

Am I ready for my close-up...what?!?!?

Yesterday was an interesting day. If you know me or you read my profile, then you know that I don't like to have my picture taken or look at pictures of myself (but I'm working on it). Well, I found myself unintentionally involved as an extra for a film. No, the theme music doesn't have the lyrics "bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do". This is a project that my daughter's involved in and is being made by a local church. Not only was I asked to walk in front of the camera and actually act (no lines), but I also had a "close-up" shot taken of me in another scene. My only hope and prayer is that those shots will not make it to the final cut. On the other hand, since I'm early in my weight loss process and knowing how long production and post-production can take on an independant film, I can't wait to look back in a year and see how far I've come; confident that in a year I'll be much lighter than I am right now.
But enough about me. On a completely different subject, I would like to encourage all of you to make sure and recognize and appreciate your Pastors during October; Pastor (Clergy) Appreciation Month. Having worked in ministry before, I can say that it is always nice when you are appreciated by those who you are called to minister to. Not so that your Pastor will be given praise and glory, but so that he will know that he is effectively being used by the Lord for His glory! So, send your Pastor and his wife a nice e-mail, note or card, a gift card to a coffee shop, one of their favorite restaurants or online shopping spots like Christian Book Distributors or Berean's. Have them over for lunch or dinner. If they have small children, offer to babysit while they go out for a nice meal or offer to help with some yardwork, wash their car or help with some other task that they may not have had the opportunity to keep up on while serving the Lord.
Anyhow, speaking of tasks that may not have been kept up, I should go. I'm not sure how (or why for that matter I would admit to this), but I have a pot in my sink that has been dirty for two weeks. I have been soaking it and every time I go to wash it, there's still stuff stuck on it so it's in a perpetual state of soaking. But soak no more pot; if it takes me all afternoon and a steel wool pad, you will be cleaned today! At least I'll burn a bunch of calories in the process and my kitchen will be one less pot dirty.

1 comment:

V said...

Your a better woman than me. If I had to soak a pot that long, I would of thrown it away already. Hee-hee. Burn those calories, girl!!