Thursday, October 30, 2008

Can't live a day without YOU

Most of my friends know that I can be pretty, really. Anyway, Monday, I left my daughter's theater rehearsal and got home feeling as though I was missing something. My pants pockets were empty, my purse was mysteriously lighter. Yes, it's true...I lost my cell phone. It's an older phone so I wasn't heartbroken, but not being able to find it was unnerving. I sent an e-mail and called the theater in the morning and noone turned it in or found it. Hmmmm. Years ago we didn't have cell phones and everything was fine. I didn't feel as though I was so important that people needed to be able to contact me 24-7. But now, with two teenagers at different schools with different schedules and extracurricular activities, I was feeling a little lost, almost panicky. I went a day without my phone. It was really awful. I started trying to put it into perspective with other things in my life and it made me think of a song by Avalon (here comes the cheezy part). But before you take this the wrong way, let me preface this by saying NO, I'm not comparing the importance of my cell phone to the importance of having Jesus in my life. But it did make me think about how trivial little things like cell phones have escalated in importance in my life over the years and perhaps my recognition of the importance of Jesus in my life has not. All this to say, that I'm glad to have my cell phone back, but today I reclaim Jesus as having more importance in my life than my cell phone. Enjoy Avalon on this YouTube video

PS - I've now lost over 13 pounds and I CAN live a day without them.


V said...

That's awesome! I'm glad you got your phone back. And...what's this? Your catching up to me?

Phyllis said...

Hey Lanni:

I guess my first blog to you didn't go through, so I'm trying it again, argh!!

Thank you for the nice letter from you and your family. Man, you have been busy.

And congratulations on losing some weight. You look fantastic! Way to go lady!

Please say hi to Valerie and family for me.

I am not too good at this blogging stuff, so I hope you get this message. It took me forever to get to this point and I don't even know how to get back to it, so this might be my only comment/blog/message, whatever you call it, hahah!

You take care and say hi to your family for me.

Keep on doing what you do best and that is serving God!
